• Upcoming CupcakeCamps Around the World!

    March 9th, 2009Ariel WaldmanUncategorized

    I have been getting several emails asking where and when CupcakeCamps around the world are. For the time being, the best way to stay up-to-date on where/when a CupcakeCamp is by:

    • Checking out the CupcakeCamp wiki – cities that have scheduled CupcakeCamps and those that are starting to plan for one and looking for help are listed.

    • Following @CupcakeCamp on Twitter.

    I’ve heard word about CupcakeCamps being organized in Bombay, New Zealand, Sydney, Canada, New York, Northern Ireland, etc. – it’s all very exciting! Hopefully someday I’ll find a sponsor for plane tickets so I can experience them all in person 🙂

    Ariel Waldman

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